To then install this mod, you have to use a ZIP file extractor and empty the contents of the file roadtofame, make sure to empty all the files in this folder into your mods folder in the sims 4. It should work with previous patches down to: Update: - PC 1./Mac 1. This will then link you to his page, where you can also explore a range of the other mods he has made. **You don't need any packs to use the mod, the items listed above + the skill are optional. " Camera Tripod Object" Requires: Get To Work EP "Celebrity Trailer" Requires : Get Together EP "Professional Singing Skill" Requires: City Living EP Being rude to fans and paparazzi will decrease your fame status.Except for a few objects & the professional singing skill"

The Road To Fame Mod promises big new features, starting with Simstagram.
You can check out his walkthrough of this mod down below: A complete, worldwide release has been scheduled for September 22nd. The Mod is currently available on his Patreon with a $5 monthly pledge. This time he’s putting all his talent and effort to bring a feature that you’ve been wanting for a long time in The Sims 4 and that’s Fame. You will have minor goals to complete which will be. The main goal is to perform 5 songs to the crowd using the Recording Set object that comes with this update. Fans, Townies & Paparazzi will show up to the concert. The Sims 4 Modder SACRIFICAL (also known as Dramatic-Gamer on Mod The Sims) created all sorts of mods for the game which were a bit…violent, but still really big, interactive and detailed. Once Sim reaches 100 HitBeat points they will start getting offers to perform in concerts. Dear community, there’s a huge mod being released for The Sims 4 next week and we want you to know all about it because it’s something you’ve been wanting for a long time in the game.